The purpose of this rebate is to encourage a permanent reduction in the amount of water used through the installation of xeriscape (i.e., water-conserving landscape) and/or artificial grass at new homes or the conversion of grass lawns to xeriscape and/or artificial grass at existing homes.
Rebate Amounts
New Home Xeriscape Installation
- Up to $500 for xeriscape ($0.50 per sq. ft.)
- Up to $250 for artificial grass ($0.25 per sq. ft.)
Existing Home Xeriscape Conversion
- Up to $3,000 for xeriscape ($1.00 per sq. ft.)
- Up to $250 for artificial grass ($0.25 per sq. ft.)
Rebate Requirements
For New Homes
- Homeowner must pay for and/or install at least 1,000 sq. ft. of xeriscape or artificial grass. Xeriscape packages offered through homebuilders are ineligible.
- Both front and back must be landscaped - bare soil is ineligible. Per City Code, ground cover consisting of crushed rock, gravel or similar materials shall be one quarter (1/4) inch or larger in size and be maintained at a sufficient depth that coveralls all exposed areas of dirt. Landscapes with weeds will not be approved until weeds are eradicated.
- Impermeable surfaces (e.g. concrete slabs, patios, or driveways) do not count toward the rebate.
- At least one drought-tolerant tree must be planted. Any existing trees not removed during the conversion would meet this tree planting requirement.
- Xeriscape or artificial grass installed before January 1, 2023.
- Xeriscape or artificial grass installation must have been completed within 12 months of the application submittal.
For Existing Homes
- Must remove at least 500 square feet of grass and convert to xeriscape or artificial grass. Live grass must be relatively healthy, meaning it was routinely irrigated with a functioning watering system with an average coverage of 70% or more.
- Only two rebates are allowed per property (e.g., 1 rebate for front yard and 1 rebate for back yard)
- Area where grass was removed must be landscaped – bare soil is ineligible. Per City Code, ground cover consisting of crushed rock, gravel or similar materials shall be one quarter (1/4) inch or larger in size and be maintained at a sufficient depth that coveralls all exposed areas of dirt. Landscapes with weeds will not be approved until weeds are eradicated.
- Impermeable surfaces (e.g. concrete slabs, patios, or driveways) do not count toward the rebate.
- At least one drought-tolerant tree must be planted. Any existing trees not removed during the conversion would meet this tree planting requirement.
- Proof live, relatively healthy, grass was present at the converted area within the past 24 months.
- Xeriscape or artificial grass converted before January 1, 2023 is ineligible.
- Xeriscape or artificial grass conversion must have been completed within 24 months of the application submittal.
Rebate Eligibility
- Only one rebate application allowed per fiscal year (July 1 - June 3).
- Applicant must be the owner of the property or have written permission from the owner to apply for and receive the rebate.
- Grass areas watered by wells, flood irrigation, or reclaimed water are ineligible.
- Properties that have received a landscape rebate for grass removal cannot receive another rebate if grass was reinstalled and removed.
- Xeriscape or artificial grass installed before January 1, 2023 is ineligible.
- Xeriscape should be within the City of Glendale landscape requirements as prescribed in existing policies, procedures, or ordinances. For more information, contact the City of Glendale Development Services Center at 623-930-2800.
- Homeowners who are members of a Homeowner’s Association (HOA) must ensure that the new landscape complies with HOA Covenants, Codes, and Restrictions (CC&Rs).
- The rebate amount may not exceed the amount paid for the landscape installation/conversion before tax.
Application Submittal
- Submit an online application here.
- The following items will be needed to complete the application:
New Homes:
- Photo of the bare soil before it was installed with xeriscape or artificial grass
- Photo of the new xeriscape or artificial grass
- Copy of itemized receipt that shows 1) contactor, 2) date, and 3) cost of grass removal, plants, crushed rock/gravel, etc.
- W-9 Form
Existing Homes:
- Photo of the grass before it was installed with xeriscape or artificial grass
- Photo of the new xeriscape or artificial grass
- Copy of itemized receipt that shows 1) contactor, 2) date, and 3) cost of grass removal, plants, crushed rock/gravel, etc.
- W-9 Form
- Altered or misrepresented photos or receipts will be considered fraudulent, and the rebate will be denied.
- City of Glendale staff will measure the landscape in ArcGIS and use that measurement to determine the rebate amount.
- Post-inspection of the property may be required to verify installation of xeriscape and artificial grass.
The City of Glendale is not responsible for selection, installation, or performance of any product. The use of impermeable plastic sheeting in your landscape is not recommended. Rebate requirements are subject to change. Please read the full program terms and conditions here.
If you have difficulties accessing the online rebate application, or need to request a hard copy application be mailed to you, please contact the City of Glendale Water Services Department – Conservation and Sustainable Living Division at or call 623-930-3596.
The purpose of this rebate is to encourage a permanent reduction in the amount of water used through the replacement of older, inefficient irrigation technology with water-efficient landscape irrigation technology.
Rebate Amounts
- The maximum rebate amount is $750 for a combination of water-efficient irrigation technology.
- WaterSense-labeled smart irrigation controllers – up to $250; and
- Up to $500 of the following irrigation technologies:
- High-efficiency nozzles – up to $5 each
- WaterSense-labeled sprinkler spray bodies – up to $10 each
- Rain sensor – up to $50
- Flow sensors with leak detection – up to $100 each
Rebate Requirements
- Old technology being replaced must not be listed on the current WaterSense Product Search.
- Irrigation controller being replaced must be conventional, manually programmed without Wi-Fi capabilities.
- Must show proof of old technology before replacement, and proof of newly installed high-efficiency irrigation technology.
- Only homes with an irrigation system in good working order (no leaks, malfunctioning valves, missing emitters, runoff or other performance issues) should consider applying for this rebate.
Rebate Eligibility
- Only one rebate application allowed per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).
- Applicant must be the owner of the property or have written permission from the owner to apply for and receive the rebate.
- New construction is ineligible.
- High-efficiency irrigation technology purchased before January 1, 2023, is ineligible.
- Rebate is only for the high-efficiency irrigation technology costs (installation, wiring & other parts, tax, shipping, etc. excluded) purchased and installed within 12 months of the application submittal.
- All irrigation technology must be in new condition and not refurbished.
- The rebate maximum amount may not exceed the amount paid for the high-efficiency irrigation technology before tax.
Application Submittal
- Submit an online application here.
- The following items will be needed to complete the application:
- Photo(s) of the old irrigation technology, showing make and model.
- Photo(s) of the new irrigation technology after installation.
- Copy of itemized receipt that shows: 1) contactor or store purchase, 2) date, 3) high-efficiency irrigation technology make, model, and 4) cost per item.
- Photo of the make and model.
- W-9 Form
- Altered or misrepresented photos or receipts will be considered fraudulent, and the rebate will be denied.
- Post-inspection of the property may be required to verify installation of high-efficiency irrigation technology.
The City of Glendale is not responsible for selection, installation, or performance of any product. Rebate requirements are subject to change. Please read the full program terms and conditions here.
If you have difficulties accessing the online rebate application, or need to request a hard copy application be mailed to you, please contact the City of Glendale Water Services Department – Conservation and Sustainable Living Division at or call 623-930-3596.
The City of Glendale offers a rebate of up to $100 for the replacement of older, inefficient tank toilets with water-efficient Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WaterSense labeled toilets. A complete list of WaterSense labeled products can be found here.
Rebate Requirements
- Old toilet being replaced must meet or exceed the current federal standard of 1.6 gallons per flush.
- New toilet must be a WaterSense labeled toilet and listed on the WaterSense Product Search.
- WaterSense labeling states the effective flush volume shall not exceed 1.28 gallons.
- Different toilet tanks and bowls can be combined to create a unique product. Verify the toilet and bowl combination is WaterSense labeled on the WaterSense Product Search.
- Old toilet must be removed and not used again.
Rebate Eligibility
- Only one rebate application allowed per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).
- Applicant must be the owner of the property or have written permission from the owner to apply for and receive the rebate.
- New construction is ineligible.
- WaterSense toilet purchased before January 1, 2023 is ineligible.
- The rebate is only for WaterSense toilets (excludes installation, parts, tax, and shipping etc.) purchased within the past 12 months.
- All WaterSense toilet components must be in new condition and not refurbished.
- The rebate maximum amount of $100 per toilet may not exceed the amount paid for the WaterSense toilet before tax.
Application Submittal
- Submit an online application here.
- The following items will be needed to complete the application:
- Photo(s) of the old toilet(s), showing make and model
- Photo(s) of the WaterSense toilet(s) after installation
- Copy of itemized receipt that shows: 1) vendor, 2) date, 3) make and model, and 4) cost of WaterSense toilet(s)
- W-9 Form
- Altered or misrepresented photos or receipts will be considered fraudulent, and the rebate will be denied.
- Post-inspection of the property may be required to verify installation of WaterSense toilet.
The City of Glendale is not responsible for selection, installation, or performance of any product. Rebate requirements are subject to change. Please read the full program terms and conditions here.
If you have difficulties accessing the online rebate application, or need to request a hard copy application be mailed to you, please contact the City of Glendale Water Services Department – Conservation and Sustainable Living Division at or call 623-930-3596.
The City of Glendale offers a rebate of up to $200 for the replacement of older, inefficient clothes washers with water-efficient Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR labeled clothes washers. A complete list of ENERGY STAR labeled products can be found here.
Rebate Requirements
- Old clothes washer being replaced must be a top-load machine.
- Old clothes washer being replaced must not be listed on the current ENERGY STAR Product Search.
- New clothes washer must be an ENERGY STAR labeled clothes washer listed on the ENERGY STAR Product Search, with an Integrated Water Factor (IWF) of 3.2 or lower.
- Old clothes washer must be removed and not used again.
Rebate Eligibility
- Only one rebate application allowed per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).
- Applicant must be the owner of the property or have written permission from the owner to apply for and receive the rebate.
- New construction is ineligible.
- ENERGY STAR clothes washer purchased before January 1, 2023 is ineligible.
- The rebate is only for ENERGY STAR clothes washers (excludes installation, parts, tax, and shipping etc.) purchased within the past 12 months.
- All ENERGY STAR clothes washer components must be in new condition and not refurbished.
- The rebate maximum amount of $200 for an ENERGY STAR clothes washer may not exceed the amount paid for the clothes washer before tax.
Application Submittal
- Submit an online application here.
- The following items will be needed to complete the application:
- Photo(s) of the old clothes washer, showing make and model
- Photo of the ENERGY STAR clothes washer after installation
- Copy of itemized receipt that shows: 1) vendor, 2) date, 3) make and model, and 4) cost of ENERGY STAR clothes washer
- W-9 Form
- Altered or misrepresented photos or receipts will be considered fraudulent, and the rebate will be denied.
- Post-Inspection of the property may be required to verify installation of ENERGY STAR clothes washer.
The City of Glendale is not responsible for selection, installation, or performance of any product. Rebate requirements are subject to change. Please read the full program terms and conditions here.
If you have difficulties accessing the online rebate application, or need to request a hard copy application be mailed to you, please contact the City of Glendale Water Services Department – Conservation and Sustainable Living Division at or call 623-930-3596.
The City of Glendale offers a rebate of up to $800 for the removal of an in-ground swimming pool and/or spa ($400 base and $1.00 per sq. ft.).
Rebate Requirements
- Pool and/or spa being removed must be filled with water; non-functioning and empty pools and/or spas are ineligible.
- Water-intensive features, including but not limited to, fountains, ponds, etc. are ineligible.
- Pool and/or spa cannot be replaced with other water-intensive features and grass. If xeriscape and/or artificial grass is installed, the rebate is applied to the pool removal not the installation of xeriscape and/or artificial grass.
- Decomposed granite, pavers, and building structures are acceptable replacements. Bare soil is ineligible.
Rebate Eligibility
- Only one rebate application allowed per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).
- Applicant must be the owner of the property or have written permission from the owner to apply for and receive the rebate.
- New construction is ineligible.
- Pool and/or spa removed before January 1, 2023 is ineligible.
- Pool and/or spa removal must have been completed within 12 months of the application submittal.
- Must be permanently installed in-ground pools and/or in-ground spas; above-ground pools are ineligible.
- The square footage of the existing pool and/or spa are based on the water surface area and do not include the surrounding decking.
- One rebate per property; in-ground pool and spa can be combined if both are removed at the same time.
- Fountains, water features, ponds, etc. are ineligible.
- The rebate maximum amount of $800 may not exceed the amount paid for the pool and/or spa removal before tax.
Application Submittal
- Submit an online application here.
- The following items will be needed to complete the application:
- Photo of the existing pool and/or spa to be removed.
- Photo of the replacement area after it was installed.
- Copy of itemized receipt that shows contactor, date, and cost of pool/spa removal.
- Copy of City of Glendale Development Services Department’s Swimming Pool Demolition Permit.
- W-9 Form
- Altered or misrepresented photos or receipts will be considered fraudulent, and the rebate will be denied.
- Post-inspection of the property may be required to verify removal of the pool and/or spa.
The City of Glendale is not responsible for selection, installation, or performance of any product. Rebate requirements are subject to change. Please read the full program terms and conditions here.
If you have difficulties accessing the online rebate application, or need to request a hard copy application be mailed to you, please contact the City of Glendale Water Services Department – Conservation and Sustainable Living Division at or call 623-930-3596.