New! Water Conservation Rebates

Water Conservation rebates are a financial incentive, where the cost is partially offset by the City of Glendale for its water customers in the Glendale service area. The purpose of this rebate program is to encourage community water conservation efforts and water-efficiency upgrades that are proven to save water. Glendale cares about the water we all share!

Program Terms and Conditions:

A completed W-9 Form is required to receive payment once the rebate application has been approved. This form requires submitting your social security number or taxpayer identification number (TIN). The name and address on the W-9 Form must match the name and address listed on the rebate application and Glendale water account. The rebate will be a check mailed to the active water account approximately 40 days after the City of Glendale receives a complete application. The City will mail a 1099 tax form to rebate recipients during the following tax season. Any questions regarding the taxability of the payment should be directed to your tax professional. 

Please mail completed W-9 forms to:
City of Glendale Conservation and Sustainable Living
ATTN: Joanne Toms
5959 W. Brown St.
Glendale, AZ 85302

The City of Glendale is not responsible for selection, installation, or performance of any product. Rebate requirements are subject to change. Please read the full program terms and conditions here.

Note: For each individual rebate tab below, there is a link to its online application.


Single-family residential properties that receive water service from the City of Glendale and are in good standing (i.e., no outstanding debt owed to the city) are eligible for the following rebates.

Water Sense Washer Photo


Multi-family, HOA, commercial, and school properties that receive water service from the City of Glendale and are in good standing (i.e., no outstanding debt owed to the city) are eligible to receive the following water-efficiency rebates.

Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis from the date and time the complete application is received and subject to the availability of funding. A complete application means all required information is filled on the application, all required documents are attached, signed, and dated.

If you have difficulties accessing the online rebate application, or need to request a hard copy application be mailed to you, please contact the City of Glendale Water Services Department – Conservation and Sustainable Living Division at or call 623-930-3596.