Minority and Women-Owned Businesses (MWO)


As a reminder, you must attempt to get at least one quote from a Minority and Women-Owned (MWO) business enterprise for all purchases between $5,000 and $49,999.99. Below you will find several links that assist with researching sources. Additionally, you must attach the Minority/Women Owned Business Form when submitting a requisition. The form can be found below. 

You are encouraged to use the following links when researching sources for small-dollar procurements.  If you need assistance, please contact Procurement.

The organizations below provide assistance in locating minority- or women-owned businesses.  Some have search engines established on their Internet sites to view businesses by commodity codes or keyword search.

Search tip for keyword search.  Use a simple, single word or part of a word for best results with your search criteria.  For example, if you use the keyword “electric”, you’ll get businesses that include electrical contracting, electrical distributors, automotive repair, traffic signals, electrical products, and electrical engineering.  Simply read through the business descriptions to select the businesses that meet your needs.

Search one organization to meet Section 603 of the Procurement Policies and Procedures overall intent:

These organizations do not have an online membership list.  They require you to leave an email message with your request.