Success Factors

What Makes an Employee Successful?

Competencies are those behaviors or traits that are critical in accomplishing high performance and successful work in our organization, and in achieving City goals. With the City's adoption of a new Vision and Mission, Values and Strategy in 2017, we also reviewed what behaviors or traits we as employees need to be successful in this new era. 

We collected feedback from employees at all levels and across all departments, to help in reviewing our competencies. 
During these interactive feedback sessions, we asked employees:

  • What behaviors or traits do employees need to have to be successful here?   
  • What does it look like when we are improving the lives of those we serve every day?
  • How do we ensure we are living our values?

As teams looked at all the feedback collected from employees, clear and shared themes emerged that created a new model - the Glendale's Success Factors!

Glendale's 8 Success Factors

Success Factors Overview
Commitment to Service Excellence 

Continuous Learning & Development 

Effective Communication 


Personal Accountability & Integrity 

Teambuilding & Collaborative Relationships 


Organizational Awareness 

Each of the Success Factors are defined as requirements or expectations in four distinct job categories:

Foundational > Professional or Supervisory > Managerial > Executive

All employees are expected to meet the expectations of the first six Success Factors. However, the Leadership and Organizational Awareness factors are additional expectations of Professional & Supervisory, Managerial and Executive positions.

As employees progress into different positions throughout their careers, the requirements of each category build on each other.  For example, a Manager will be expected to meet all the defined expectations of their Managerial category as well as those of the Professional & Supervisory and Foundational categories.   

Definitions & Examples

Below you'll find helpful examples that define the City's expectations for each Success Factor.  To assist in managing employee performance, Supervisors and Departments may also customize specific expectations based on the unique roles each employee plays in our organization. All expectations should be captured in the employee's Goal Setting & Review document.

Click Here for a printable version of the example expectations.