This document includes City of Glendale file preparation standards for electronic drawings and documents submitted as part of a building permit application. These file preparation standards are designed to ensure not only consistency at the application stage, but consistency in the City’s long-term document retention system. If your documents do not follow these preparation standards, your application may be rejected, and the review delayed.
To submit your building permit application for review, please note the following general requirements.
1. ALL construction documents(plans) should be submitted in PDF format as a complete set of documents and not as individual pages.
2. Documents other than plans, such as the permit application, agreements, reports, etc., must be submitted as separate documents using the files names (ex. Engineering Calcs, Soils Report, Drainage Report, etc) as Document Naming Standards.
3. In order to optimize Bluebeam’s functionality, TrueType fonts are required for plan sets/drawings. Bluebeam cannot always recognize pixilated fonts, which may cause process errors. Recommended fonts include Ariel, Times New Roman, Courier, and Helvetica.
4. Do not use RED as an ink color in drawings or documents.
Electronic File Preparation Standard
1. Submit project information form along with permanent documents and drawing.
2. To upload plans, click on the appropriate project type icon on the right side of the page or if not listed there, email them to:
3. Completion check of the plans will take place.
Completeness Check
1. Your uploaded submittal will be checked for completeness.
2. If items are missing, you will be notified by email.
3. Plan Review Fees will be collected as part of the completeness check.
4. For a project to be considered a complete submittal, all drawings and documents should be uploaded and plan review fees paid.
Plan Check and Review
1. All required City Departments review your plans concurrently for efficiency.
2. If corrections are requested, you will be notified via email on how to proceed.
Revision notification and plan resubmit
1. Upon email notification, you will receive a marked-up package describing any requested revisions or additions to the drawings/documents.
2. After you make the revisions or additions, upload a new complete set of revised drawings/documents for the subsequent review cycle. Please delta and cloud all revisions.
1. When the project has been reviewed and approved, we will contact you regarding permit payment. Once payment has been received we will email you your permitted documents and plans.