Transportation Services

Contact Us

Purab Adabala, Interim Transportation Director
6210 W. Myrtle Ave
Glendale, AZ 85301

The Glendale Transportation Department works to ensure safe and efficient travel for the people of Glendale.

FY25 CIP Projects

CIP Project Map

The City of Glendale would like your feedback on the draft FY25 Transportation Capital Improvement Projects. The list will be reviewed and presented to the City Council on March 5. Click above for information and provide your comments on the proposed Airport, Streets, and Transit projects.

Transportation Projects

Transportation Projects

Click above for information on current and recently completed projects. 

The City of Glendale Clean and Green Calendar is your go-to guide on the city's environmental programs and services. Transportation Services is highlighted in the months of April, August, and October. Check it out! 

Image Link

Check It Out! 

GUS the Bus is on DoubleMap – A Bus Tracking Mobile App
You can now download the free DoubleMap app today on iOS or Android and learn all you need to know about the Glendale Urban Shuttle (GUS). Plan your route and keep up to date in real-time. For more information watch the video below and visit Public Transportation / GUS.


Driver Safety 

Reminder to keep you safe!

traffic light out graphic

Monsoon storms and other incidents can cause traffic signals to lose power.
If you approach a traffic signal that has no power what do you do? Stop!
A blacked-out intersection works the same as a four-way stop.
Stop at the intersection and then proceed when you know other vehicles, bicycles or pedestrians have stopped.

Do you have a question or concern? Visit GlendaleOne or call us at 623-930-2940