Glendale Memorial Park Cemetery

The Glendale Memorial Park Cemetery is located at 7844 N. 61st Avenue in Glendale, AZ. Three Glendale churches established the City's oldest Cemetery in 1900 when they formed the Glendale Cemetery Association and purchased the original land that is now the Cemetery's Historic Desert Section. The City became responsible for the grounds and operation in 1962.

Glendale and area residents have been using the Cemetery’s services for generations.  Among the thousands of Glendale residents and members of the surrounding communities buried at the Cemetery are veterans of the Civil War and Glendale’s founders.  The City of Glendale is committed to maintaining the Cemetery as a place of honor and memories for present and future generations.

The Cemetery has approximately 17,000 burial spaces within its 21 acres.  Sixty percent of the grounds are landscaped with a crushed granite ground cover to preserve the original desert appearance.  The rest of the facility has grass to reflect contemporary cemetery standards.  The Cemetery offers grass lots as well as custom niches for cremation urns.  Shade structures, a fountain, and mature trees add to the peaceful environment for visitors.   

Today, the Cemetery sells burial rights only to Glendale residents, individuals who are purchasing space for deceased Glendale residents, or any non-residents with immediate family already buried at the Cemetery or who purchased a lot at the Cemetery.  This policy is expected to preserve the Cemetery as a community resource for residents far into the future. 

Cemetery Rennovation