Facility Rental Opportunities


“Due to ongoing construction at Glendale Heroes Park, we will not be taking any reservations for Ramadas Easter weekend April 19-20, 2025.
We apologize for any inconvenience.”

The City offers a variety of reservable facilities and locations that are available for your next event.

Glendale Adult Center 
Adult Center

5970 W. Brown St
The Glendale Adult Center is a diverse location with classrooms and a large event room for any occasion.  Currently we are booking rentals during business hours, Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm.

Foothills Recreation and Aquatics Center
Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center

5600 W. Union Hills Dr.
Foothills Recreation and Aquatics Center is the perfect environment for a variety of activities. This multi-purpose facility with its dedicated team has a range of room spaces that can host small and large events.

Historic Sahuaro Ranch
Fruit Packing Shed

9802 N. 59th Ave.
The Historical Sahuaro Ranch Park is Glendale's hidden treasure that will take you back simpler times. The Fruit Packing shed, is our unique indoor venue will make any event special! 

Park Ramada's


Ramada Rental: 623-930-2820
Bring together your family, community clubs, organizations and businesses to a covered park ramada. These ramada's range in size and amenities, click HERE to see the list of reservable ramada's and what they have to offer. 

Larger gatherings many require a Park Special Use Application.
Park Special Use Application

Sports Fields 
Sports Fields

Reservations: 623-930-2820
The City has a variety of softball fields and multi-purpose
fields available for reservation

Library Meeting Rooms 
Heroes Library

The Glendale Public Library offers a variety of rental spaces at the Foothills Library, Heroes Regional Park Library, and Main Library.  Please check out our page to see what we have to offer https://www.glendaleazlibrary.com/events_services/meeting_rooms