Aquatics – Pools and Splashpads

Lifeguard Image

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Summer 2025 Recreation Swim Dates and Hours
June 3 – July 26
Tuesdays – Saturdays from 1:00 – 5:00 PM
The pools are closed on Sundays and Mondays for maintenance

The City of Glendale has two Aquatics Centers.
Foothills Recreation and Aquatics Center
5600 W Union Hills Dr, Glendale
(623) 930-4600

Rose Lane Aquatics Center
5003 W Marlette Ave, Glendale
(623) 930-4600

What do the terms open swim, recreation swim, or waterpark refer to?

  •  Open and recreation swim or waterpark mean the same thing;
  •  These refer to when the pools are open for the public to use.
  •  Payment required for entry.  

 What is the price for entry?

Fee Image Link



The City of Glendale has 5 splash pads:

Glendale Heroes Park: 83rd Ave. & Bethany Home Rd
O'Neil Park: 64th Ave. & Missouri Ave.
Sunset Palms Park: 54th Ave. & Sweetwater Ave.
Sycamore Grove: 86th Ln. & Emil Rovey Pkwy.
Greenway Granada Park: 73rd Ave. & Greenway Rd.

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Aquatics Classes

Aquatics Classes Calendar Link