Responding to Summons for Jury Duty
If you have received a summons for jury service, it is important that you respond to the summons within 10 days through the Jury Services website. A failure to respond to the summons will cause a delay in your check-in process as your personal information will have to be entered into the computer system manually when you appear for jury service.
The Court realizes prospective jurors may have been summoned at an inconvenient time and is willing to defer service to a more convenient time in most instances. If you are unable to report for jury duty on the date you were summoned, you may request ONE postponement.
Please call the Office of the Jury Commissioner at 602-372-JURY (602.372.5879) or through the Jury Services website. If you appear but are not selected, your term of service will conclude and you will not be summoned again by this Court for at least 18 months.
Do I Need to Appear Tomorrow?
The evening before your jury service date, please call 623.930.2409 after 5 p.m. to obtain the reporting instructions for your assigned group number. A pre-recorded message will tell you if you are required to report, if you have been placed on stand-by, or if you have been excused. For your convenience the recording is in operation between the hours of 5 p.m. and 8 a.m.
Watch the Arizona Supreme Court's Jury Duty Video.
Juror Reporting Instructions
If you must report for jury duty, please plan to arrive no later than 8:15 a.m. and bring your summons (postcard) with you. Late arrivals are subject to rescheduling with or without pay. Failure to appear or to reschedule your appearance will subject you to a possible fine of $100 for contempt of court, pursuant to A.R.S. 21-334. Further, please do not bring children, relatives, or friends with you on the day you report for jury duty. Jurors are to report to the Glendale City Court at 5711 W. Glendale Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85301. Upon arrival at the courthouse, and after passing through security, prospective jurors will be directed to the assigned trial courtroom for processing. Please have your summons (postcard) with you.
Although we attempt to make jury service as convenient and efficient as possible, jurors should be advised that there can be extended waiting periods. Please feel free to bring a book, magazine, laptop computer, or something else to occupy your time quietly.
Terms of Service
Jury duty at the Glendale City Court usually lasts the length of one trial, normally 1 to 2 days. Jurors who are chosen to sit on a jury receive $12 per day, plus a one-way mileage fee of 34.5 cents/mile. Prospective jurors who are not chosen will be paid the mileage fee only. Payment is mailed to the address you provided when you responded to the jury summons and you should receive it within four weeks of your service. For more information, please watch the Juror Compensation in Arizona Video
Jurors can park in the public parking garage located on 57th Avenue just south of Glendale Avenue.