Specialty or Treatment Courts, through the combined use of community-based treatment and rigorous monitoring, allows courts to reduce recidivism and the use of incarceration by addressing the underlying problems that contribute to criminal behavior. The Glendale City Court participates in two treatment courts: The West Valley Regional Veterans Court and Mental Health Court.

West Valley Regional Veterans’ Court
The West Valley Regional Veterans’ Court is a treatment court intended to assist Arizona Veterans transitioning from military service in the resolution of their criminal case through a cooperative effort among judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, members of the Veterans Health Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs Justice Outreach program, human service agencies and Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care, working together.
Veterans’ Court is a voluntary therapeutic treatment program and each veteran, upon entry/acceptance, will participate in a specified treatment plan based on an assessment completed by the VA or other health care specialists. Treatment may include weekly individual and group counseling, drug and alcohol testing, mental health treatment, medical treatment, and regular attendance at recovery support/self-help meetings.
Participating Municipalities:
El Mirage City Court
Goodyear City Court
Litchfield Park Magistrate Court
Tolleson City Court
Wickenburg Municipal Court
Who is Eligible to Participate?
• Veterans who have served in the military and have been charged with a misdemeanor violation filed with any municipality participating in the West Valley Regional Veterans’ Court.
• Veterans whose case(s) cannot be processed through diversion programs.
• All Veterans regardless of military discharge, length of service, or if on active duty.
How Do I Enroll?
If you want to be considered for the Regional Veterans’ court, ask your attorney, the prosecutor, or the judge to determine your eligibility.
Arizona Coalition for Military Families
Arizona Department of Veterans' Services
Law for Veterans
Military OneSource
Veterans Crisis Line or text 83825
Glendale Veterans’ Court Participant Handbook
Mental Health Court
The Glendale Mental Health Court is a treatment court intended to assist individuals with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities in the resolution of their criminal case through a cooperative effort among judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, members of the Veterans Health Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs Justice Outreach program, human service agencies and Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care, working together.
Mental Health Court is a voluntary therapeutic treatment program and everyone, upon entry/acceptance, will participate in a specified individual treatment plan that is focused on returning the participant to a mentally healthy status. Treatment may include weekly individual and group counseling, drug and alcohol testing, mental health treatment, medical treatment, and regular attendance at recovery support/self-help meetings.
Who is Eligible to Participate?
• Individuals with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities who are charged with a misdemeanor in the Glendale City Court.
• Participants must be enrolled, and case managed with local Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA), the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES), Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) or another provide who is willing to monitor the participant and provide treatment information to the court.
How Do I Enroll?
If you want to be considered for Glendale Mental Health Court, ask your case manager, your attorney, the prosecutor, or the judge to determine your eligibility.
Arizona Court Care
Arizona Department of Economics Security Division of Developmental
Mercy Care
For more information about Mental Health Court, visit Treatment Courts (azcourts.gov)