Residential Lockbox Program

The voluntary residential lockbox program allows emergency personnel and police to access a key during medical or other emergencies requiring forced entry.


  • A Senior aged 62 and older, or have a special need or disability
  • A resident of the City of Glendale
  • Living alone with a chronic illness, at risk of falling, or have a history of emergency calls. If you don’t live alone, both must have the above criteria


  • Are referred by Glendale Fire or Police

Information, installation details, and access instructions for each lockbox are securely stored within the emergency dispatch database systems of the City of Glendale Fire and Police Departments.

Best of all, the program is free for qualifying residents.

It is important to note that installation of a residential lockbox does not provide homeowners with a “lockout service”. Therefore, if a homeowner accidentally locks themselves out of their home, the City of Glendale will not use the lockbox program to grant access to the residence.

Apply Here!