Police Department

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In an Emergency, call 9-1-1 | To report a crime or Non-Emergency call (623) 930-3000 | File an Online Police Report


The Glendale Police Department takes the protection of our citizens and our employees very seriously.  This is especially important now that we are dealing with the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus.  Here are some precautions we are implementing in order to keep our employees and citizens healthy and safe.

  • The Glendale Police Department main lobby and substations are now open.
  • Glendale Police is encouraging the public to use our on-line reporting option.  For information on how to report an incident using an online option visit our website at: Online Police Report
  • Public Records requests may be made by calling (623) 930-3100 or visiting our website to mail the form at: Public Records Request
  • To speak to an officer, please call our non-emergency line at (623) 930-3000.  Please do not report crimes on our department’s social media page.
  • Lobby fingerprinting services are currently on hold until further notice. 
  • For information on victim services we may provide for the public please visit the following website at: Glendale Family Advocacy Center 

The Glendale Police Department is pleased to announce the publication of the Police Call and Crime Statistics dashboard. This dashboard was created to provide easy-to-understand information and key metrics that measure how the police department is performing.

To view the dashboard, click the image below:

Police Call and Crime Dashoboard Webpage

Police Call and Crime Statistics

2024 Fast Facts

Get to Know Our Interim Police Chief - 
Colby Brandt

Message from the Interim Police Chief

The men and women of the Glendale Police Department are highly qualified, diverse, accountable and committed to creating a community where everyone can feel safe. Our values guide us as we continuously strive to maintain the trust and confidence of the people we serve.

Contact Us

Interim Police Chief Colby Brandt
6835 North 57th Drive
Glendale, Arizona 85301
P:(623) 930-3000