Domestic violence affects millions of Americans across our Nation with devastating consequences for survivors, families, and entire communities. Everyone deserves to live free from the fear of violence, especially in their own home. During National Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, we recommit to extending support and resources to all survivors, continuing to hold perpetrators accountable, and ensuring that our society is truly safe for everyone.
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If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Am I being abused?” while desperately trying to convince yourself the answer is “no,” you’re not alone. Most survivors of domestic violence will say that it was difficult to accept that they were being abused by a partner or family member. Many can’t admit they are survivors of abuse until after they’ve escaped the abuser and some time has passed.
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Abusers aim to throw survivors off-balance by exerting power and control at random times. Then again, because they often repeat their power and control tactics over and over, survivors often know that the next abusive episode is likely just around the corner. A safety plan is a form of protection that allows a survivor to prepare what they can do during or between abusive incidents to keep themselves and their children safe. This might involve how they can escape, where they can go, who they can rely on to help them and the additional protections they can put in place to possibly stay gone for good. Click here for more info on creating a safety plan.
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Domestic Violence Power and Control Wheel
Cycle of Abuse
Arizona Domestic Violence Safety Plan
AZPOINT (protective orders)