Drought Preparedness

Colorado River Shortage Overview

The United States Bureau of Reclamation has declared the Colorado River will remain in a Tier 1 shortage for 2025. Arizona will face a 512,000 acre-foot reduction (18% of the state's annual allocation). Glendale is prepared for the Tier 1 shortage, and it will not impact our ability to meet the water needs of our customers.

Colorado River Shortage Tier 1 for 2025

Glendale is prepared for drought!

The Southwestern United States, including Arizona, has been in a drought for more than 23 years. This has greatly impacted the Colorado River system including Lake Mead and Lake Powell. The Colorado River represents approximately 36% of Arizona’s collective water supply and approximately 40% of Glendale's water supply.  

Glendale has known for many years our Colorado River supplies could be cut and we have been preparing for this shortage for decades and will continue to do so. These preparations include:

  • Securing in a diverse and robust water portfolio that includes renewable surface water, groundwater, and reclaimed water supplies

  • Using reclaimed water to conserve potable water supplies

  • Decreased reliance on groundwater

  • Storing water underground for future use

  • Investing in infrastructure, including wells to pump groundwater when surface water supplies may be reduced
  • Supporting water conservation through ordinances and codes; developing conservation-based water rates; and offering an effective Water Conservation Program for people of all ages

While Glendale has a safe, secure, and reliable water supply now, we all need to continue to do our part to use water wisely. We know that water is precious in the desert and that every drop counts. Water conservation makes sense in the desert Southwest!

Stage 1 Drought Watch

Drought Stages Image

June 17, 2022
Glendale City Manager Kevin Phelps has declared a Stage 1 Drought Watch of the city’s Drought Management Plan. During Stage 1, Glendale will target a 5% water-reduction goal at municipal properties. The city is also asking residents and businesses to voluntarily conserve water. There are no mandatory water restrictions for residents and businesses in Stage 1.

Community Corner: Being Water Smart


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