To ensure the continued operation of Glendale’s water and sewer systems, it is crucial to effectively address inflationary impacts, the ongoing drought, and to continue rehabilitating our aging infrastructure through capital improvement projects. Over the next five years, we plan to allocate approximately $418 million for essential infrastructure upgrades. These enhancements will strengthen the reliability of our water and sewer systems. However, the costs of chemicals and other operational and maintenance expenses have risen significantly, far exceeding the rate of inflation. Additionally, there has been a significant increase in construction costs, chemical expenses, and other operational and maintenance expenditures.
The Water and Wastewater Enterprise Funds forecast reveals that further financial measures are necessary to meet financial targets at or above the minimum levels set by Council policy. To address the projected financial shortfall, the Water Services Department hired a consultant to conduct a comprehensive rate study. The study analyzed our five-year forecast, evaluated crucial financial metrics, and assessed the implications of a stormwater fee, all aimed at maintaining and improving our service standards.
On February 11, 2025, study recommendations were presented to the Council, and a consensus was reached to share the following options during public outreach efforts.
Additionally, the proposed update to the Urban Irrigation Rates is listed below.
This webpage will keep you informed with the latest updates as we progress through the rate process.
What’s Next?
- Public Outreach Meetings
- March 19, 2025
- Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
- 5600 W Union Hills. Dr., Glendale, AZ 85308
- 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
- Council Voting Meeting – TBD
o Consider Notice of Intention and Set Public Hearing Date
- Council Voting Meeting - TBD
o Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Rate Adjustments
o Formal Vote on Proposed Rate Schedules