Glendale Family Bike Ride
Sunday, April 6 | 8:00 AM | All ages and skill levels | FREE
Join hundreds of riders for wonderful weather, family fun, and great exercise! The leisurely ride highlights Glendale bike lanes and pathways and showcases cycling as an affordable and environmentally friendly transportation option. All riders must wear a helmet. If you need a helmet they will be available at the event or recycle your old helmet for a new one while supplies last. Bike check-up stations, bicycle safety information, coffee truck, health and wellness booths, music, and kids' activities at the park before and after the ride. The first 500 riders that register and attend will receive an event t-shirt. All riders that complete the ride will receive a keepsake medal!
Bike Raffle – win a free bike! Sponsored by DICK'S Sporting Goods.
Questions? Please contact 623-930-2940 or [email protected]

Water Awareness Bookmark Art Contest
Final Submissions Due April 30
The Glendale Water Services Department is hosting a Water Awareness Bookmark Art Contest in celebration of Water Awareness Month. The contest is open to all Glendale students in kindergarten through 12th grade. One winner will be selected from: K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th and 9th-12th; for a total of four winners. Each winner will be presented with a certificate by Wayne Drop, the Water – Use It Wisely regional campaign mascot and winning bookmarks will be printed and distributed at the Glendale Main Library. Visit the youth area at the Glendale Main Library to pick up a form or download a form below!
Questions? Please contact Litzy Hernandez Cota at (623) 930-3535 or [email protected].
Click here to find water conservation resources, tips and ideas for students.
Glendale Recycling
Glendale’s recycling program is one way for residents to help conserve natural resources and extend the life of the landfill by diverting recyclables out of the waste stream. Recycling is the process of collecting materials destined for disposal and reprocessing or remanufacturing them for further use.
Request a FREE Compost Container
Glendale residents can request a free composting container upon request. Submit your request through GlendaleOne. In GlendaleOne, select Trash/Recycle Services and then click on Residential - Additional Container for the request type. Or you can call the customer service line at 623.930.2660.