Engineering has moved. See details under 'Contact Information'.

Contact Us

Don Bessler, PWLF, Director - Engineering Services

The City of Glendale, AZ is updating the Land Use Assumptions, Infrastructure Improvements Plan and Development Fee report for the following mentioned public services: Park and Recreation Facilities, Library Facilities, Police Facilities and Fire Facilities. The purpose of this document is to ensure that new growth pays its proportional fair share for capacity as it relates to new development. As part of that process, the City has commissioned TischlerBise to develop the Land Use Assumptions, Infrastructure Improvements Plan and Development Impact Fee Report. The City intends to hold a Public Hearing on the Development Impact Fees on May 13, 2025 at 5:30PM, at the City of Glendale’s Civic Center located at 5750 West Glenn Dr, Glendale AZ 85301 for the purpose of taking public comments.  No formal action will occur at that time.  A copy of the draft report is available for public review at the following link:


It all starts here.

From where to push the dirt to how to bury the wires and pipes, the Engineering Division is charged with following the city’s major construction projects from start to finish. Our responsibilities include the design and construction of various city facilities including buildings, streets, sewer, water lines and drainage. This department tracks the contract paperwork and functions as the project manager. It also functions as the custodian of good engineering practice in the city through design review, construction inspection and testing of materials on the jobsite to ensure they meet specifications.

2023-2024 On-Call Professional Services

The City of Glendale is pleased to announce the selection of the 2023-24 On Call Professional Services List.  The City has selected fifty-seven (57) firms for the On-Call list (list attached).  The on-call list will be in effect for two years, starting January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2024, with renewal options for two (2) additional one-year periods if determined to be in the City’s best interest. 

Engineering Public Notices

Effective immediately all Engineering Public Notices for Capital Improvement Project (CIP) construction and engineering/architectural services will be posted here.  This includes all Request for Proposals (RFP) and Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFQ) and Construction Bid Documents. Detailed information for each project procurement is included within the project documents.

Preliminary Bid Results

Preliminary bid results will be posted here under the associated bid number as an attachment. The results are only preliminary and contract award is subject to Council approval. The itemized bid results will be available upon request once a contract has been awarded.