Who is eligible for the Youth Scholarship Fund?
Residents of Glendale may apply for a youth scholarship. A child/youth is defined as being 17 years of age or under. Approval of the application is made on an individual basis. The City of Glendale Parks and Recreation Department uses a sliding-fee scale guideline based on total household income and number of dependents. The scale assists staff in determining the amount of scholarship awarded.
Are scholarships available for all City of Glendale Parks and Recreation Department programs?
Scholarships are available for all City of Glendale Parks and Recreation Department programs.
Is it possible to join a City of Glendale Parks and Recreation Department program for free?
The City of Glendale Parks and Recreation Department believes a strong sense of ownership and pride is developed when the scholarship recipient contributes to the cost of their City of Glendale Parks and Recreation Department involvement. Therefore, applicants will be required to pay minimum of $5 for each program/class. Applicants will also be responsible for all applicable late fees. Late fees may NOT be deducted from the awarded scholarship amount. Once the scholarship is awarded, participants who choose not to participate in the program will NOT be given credit toward another program.
Is there a maximum scholarship amount that can be given?
Yes, the Scholarship Program Coordinator will advise you of the maximum approved scholarship amount for your family.
When should I apply and how long will it take to process my application?
Please submit your application at least 7 business days prior to the class/program start date/registration deadline for which you are applying, to allow necessary processing time. Once your application and all the required documents are received, we will contact you within 7 business days to review the outcome of your application. You will need to submit a registration form for the program you are interested in with your application so we can complete the process more efficiently if you are approved. Placement in your program of interest is contingent on space availability at the time of registration and not when the scholarship application is submitted.
Who will be reviewing my application?
The Scholarship Program Manager/Coordinator or their designee is the only person who will review your application. All information is handled confidentially.
If my application is approved, where do I register for a class/program?
All scholarship program recipients must register for their class/program at the Parks and Recreation Main Office. Registrations will not be accepted at the location of the class/program, online, or any other location.
Do I need to reapply for a scholarship each year?
Yes. Need for financial assistance is assessed on an annual basis.
How are funds made available for the Youth Scholarship Fund?
The scholarship fund is supported through businesses and individual contributions. Assistance is provided on a fair and open basis, in accordance with our donors’ wishes. Scholarships are provided on a first come, first served basis based on the availability of donated funds.
May I do anything in return for this assistance?
Yes! The City of Glendale Parks and Recreation Department encourages both youth and adults to volunteer. Also, the City of Glendale Parks and Recreation Department donors appreciate learning how their contributions are used. Submitting a short note about how you or your family benefited from the scholarship program is appreciated. While we do appreciate your assistance, it is not a requirement for consideration or upon approval of your application.
Read the information below, download the application, fill it out and bring or mail to:
Glendale Adult Center
5970 W Brown St
Glendale, Arizona 85302
Download Form
Completed applications will be reviewed within 7 business days of receiving the application in the Parks and Recreation main office, when all current and necessary documentation is provided at the time the application is submitted.
Applications must be submitted at least 7 business days prior to the program start date/registration deadline, for which you are applying, to allow necessary processing time.
If you have any questions in regards to the Scholarship Application or the documentation required, please feel free to call the Parks and Recreation main office at (623) 930-2820.
Required Documentation
Below is a listing of the documents required to support income information and residency status on the application. Both proof of income information and residency are required, to process the application.
Required and Supporting Documentation Accepted For Scholarship Consideration:
Do Not Send Originals or Bank Statements.
- Salary/Wages:
Attach copies of the two (2) most recent paycheck stubs from EACH employer for both the applicant and spouse. If you are paid weekly attach copies of the four (4) most recent paystubs. Stub must show gross wages and may not be dated more than 30 days from application date.
- Salary/Wages:
If you are self-employed or own a business, include Schedule C. If you did not file taxes last year, submit an IRS 1722 non-filing status form. To obtain this form, call 1-800-829-1040. Do not press any buttons just stay on the line. (W-2 forms will not be accepted)
- Child Support/Alimony:
Attach copies of legal guardianship and/or foster care documents. Include proof of marriage or divorce decree, if no longer married, showing alimony and child support.
- Government/Food Stamps/Cash Assistance:
Attach copies of all that apply: current Social Security Award benefit letter, SSI Disability letter, retirement, unemployment or other government subsidy.
- Student Loans/Grants:
Attach copies of documentation showing monies AFTER books & tuition have been paid. Include a current registration receipt.
Required and Supporting Documentation Accepted For Residency Verification:
Requesting Families must show proof of residency along with photo identification. Individuals unable to show some proof of current residency will not be eligible for scholarship funds. Proof of residency may include, but is not limited to:
- City of Glendale Water Bill:
Water bill must have the correct name printed on the bill and must be current.
- Home/Cell Phone Bill:
Phone bill must have the correct name, current date, and correct Glendale address printed on the front of the bill.
- Utility Bill:
APS/SRP utility bill is acceptable and must have the correct name, current date, and correct Glendale address printed on the front of the bill.
- Vehicle Registration:
Registration must have the correct name, current date, and correct Glendale address printed on the front of the vehicle registration.
The city is always accepting donations to help children in Glendale receive recreational opportunities!
If you would like to make a donation, you have two options:
2. Make a check payable to:
City of Glendale Note: Scholarship Fund
and mail to:
Glendale Parks and Recreation Department
Glendale Adult Center
5970 W Brown St
Glendale, Arizona 85302